Parents can expect that:

– Your child receives a high quality education

– The college will support and enhance the educational and social development of students

– The college will apply VCAA rules fairly and consistently

– The college will apply DEECD rules fairly and consistently

– The college will provide regular and detailed information/feedback to parents regarding student progress

Parents can support the college by:

– Ensuring that students attend all lessons every day, with the correct materials

– Verifying all reasons for student absence by contacting the Office

– Monitoring student “screen time” (computers, television, etc) to minimise issues such as cyber bullying

– Ensuring that any homework or revision is completed as stipulated and on time

– Minimising the disruption to student learning, such as extended family holidays during the term

– Contacting the relevant Student coordinator if there any wellbeing or academic concerns

– Responding to all letters, emails, phone calls and SMS regarding student progress

– Supporting the college in relation to decisions made regarding breaches of the college Engagement and Well-Being Policy, VCAA rules or DEECD policy

– Attending PST conferences and other college events to maintain effective communication channels

– Ensuring students maintain a balance between school, recreation/leisure and part-time work


For enrolment enquiries please contact the College office on (03) 5035 1270 between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.  Alternatively, email the College on

Find My School

Our school zone is available on  Find my school hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2020 onwards.

Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.

The department provides guidance through the School Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose others schools, subject to facility limitations.

You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School Zones.

To enable a smooth start for your child please submit the following documentation and legal documentation to complete the enrolment process:

  • Enrolment Form
  • Birth Certificate (photocopy will be retained for student file)
  • Immunisation History (photocopy will be retained for student file)
  • Signed consent forms
  • Asthma/Anaphylaxis Plan (if applicable)
  • Custody documentation (if applicable)

Parent Payments

Dear Parent/Guardian

Manangatang P-12 College is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of Manangatang P-12 College’s voluntary financial contributions for 2023.

Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian Curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you for all your support. This has made a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.


Digital Devices:

In 2022 Manangatang P-12 College increased F-12 subject delivery relating to digital technologies.  New students and current 7-12 students will be required to purchase their own laptop once the current laptops are no longer under warranty. For current students this will be:

2023 Year 10      Netbook Fee will appear on the booklist instead of a lease.  2025 purchase their own or use the buyout netbook option $10.00, device out of warranty, applications will be removed at the end of 2025.

2023 Year 9        Purchase their own laptop.

2023 Year 8        Netbook Fee will appear on the booklist instead of a lease.  2024 purchase their own laptop.

2023 Year 7        Purchase their own laptop.

The College has been advised against recommending laptop models however we can advise that laptops should have the minimum 256Gb Hard Drive, 16Gb RAM and i5 Processor.

Online Learning Subscriptions:

The College has researched and decided the most affordable quality assessment and learning resources to complement classroom teaching.  These come at a cost to the College, therefore even though the College will continue to heavily subsidise in 2023 parents are asked to make a voluntary payment towards F-10 Essential Assessment and Maths Pathways 7-10.

For further information on the Department’s Parent Payments Policy please see a one-page overview attached.

Yours sincerely

Nat Mouvet


Visit here for DET’s Parent Payment Policy


College payments can be paid directly into the College bank account

BSB 033 250

Account number 602160

with your name as a reference,

or by cheque made payable to

Manangatang P-12 College



Year 1 booklist 2023

Year 2 Booklist 2023

Year 3 Booklist 2023

Year 4 Booklist 2023

Year 5 Booklist 2023

Year 6 Booklist 2023

Year 7 Booklist

Year 8 Booklist

Year 9 Booklist

Year 10 Booklist

Year 11 Booklist

Year 12 Booklist

Campion – Booklists Yr 7 – 12


It’s not OK to be away!
Rolls are marked lesson by lesson with 90% attendance recommended in each subject.
Manangatang P-12 has a policy that adheres to the VCAA guidelines.

Parents/Guardians are required to verify all student absences including single classes or part days.

Students that live independently are required to verify their own absence and can use any of the methods below.
For prolonged absences please contact the Office with details. This will assist staff in providing students with work missed.

  • Students are encouraged to communicate directly with their teachers for catch up work by email or by phoning the College.
  • For family choice extended absence: It is strongly recommended not to take extended family holidays during year 11 and 12. This will impact greatly on outcomes for the student. If however there is a need to be away, the Student Coordinator should be notified as early as possible, enabling work to be arranged prior to the student being away.
  • Students arriving late or leaving early need to sign in and out of the College at the Office. This does not verify their absence; a parent/guardian must still follow up with verification.
  • Parents/Guardians are able to track student attendance at home by accessing their student’s parent portal on Compass.
  • Students who miss a SAC (Year 12) or an Assessment Task (Year 11) due to illness are required to provide a medical certificate for that missed task.

Attendance is a significant factor in the successful outcome for our students

Any student non-attendance must be approved by;

Compass (Parent Portal)

  • Parents and guardians are able to approve any non-attendance via the parent portal on the College website. You will need your user name and password to do this. Please contact our the Office if you require assistance logging into the parent portal by calling (03) 5035 1270
  • If there is an issue or query with an unexplained absence and you do not approve the date/s or lesson/s, please email the subject teacher direct or telephone the Office for further information
  • Your non-attendance approval will not automatically alert your child’s Teacher. It is important you call the College for anything that requires our attention.


(03) 5035 1270


The following can be taken to the Office:

  • Medical certificate
  • Appointment notification card
  • A signed and dated note with the student’s full name


Daily Uniform
All black school shoes/all black sneakers and white socks
Bucket hat/Broad brim with logo, College Beanie (available at the school)
Navy school shorts, culottes or pants

School polo t-shirt or button up shirt

School dress (Optional)


Polar Fleece jacket, Windcheater, Navy Jacket

Sports Uniform

School sports shirt Wattle/Mallee,  Navy sports shorts or track pant

  1. Wide brimmed hats are compulsory from September to April and whenever UV levels reach three and above.
  2. The wearing of uniform is compulsory for all students and is expected to be worn at all times by all students unless otherwise stated.
  3. Year 12s will wear full school uniform with an approved Year 12 individualised jumper.
  4. Students must attend and leave school in full school uniform except on sports days whereby students will be required to wear full sports uniform.
  5. Students may be granted an exemption by written application to the Principal.
  6. Parents/Guardians are expected to provide a written explanation to the class teacher on days when their child/children are not wearing school uniform. This written explanation can only be for one week duration unless negotiated with the Principal where written permission is granted.
  7. All items of clothing should be clearly labelled
  8. On “non-uniform” days students should wear appropriate clothing and shoes that do not contravene the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare requirements of the school.
  9. It is important that shoes are enclosed at the toe and heel to prevent injury from foreign objects especially with younger students playing in the yard.
  10. Footwear is to be suitable for the activities children participate in at school (e.g. PE classes, running games at recess times, etc…).
  11. Students may wear a wrist watch, plain stud/sleeper earrings, medical alert bands.  Please note facial piercings are not allowed.
  12. In the interest of Health and Safety, students are required to tie hair back. Appropriate hairstyles and/or colours are essential for any student representing the College and are encouraged at all times.  Combs and ribbons in the College colours can be worn.
  13. Make-up must be nude (only foundation), including clear nail polish only.
  14. Unless permission is given, all students will be required to wear school uniform on all excursions.


The Manangatang P-12 College Wellbeing program is central to the College’s goal of developing resilient, compassionate, successful individuals.  The Wellbeing team works to support and challenge students to explore ways to develop their psychological, social, mental, emotional, spiritual, academic and physical health. If students are happy and healthy, they will have the opportunity to reach their full capacity for learning, performance and educational outcomes. The program works to ensure the college environment is respectful and inclusive of all, and celebrates the diverse cultures and backgrounds within the college community so every student feels valued and accepted.

The challenges young people are experiencing are diverse, and the Wellbeing program is designed to provide them with the relevant support and care that could be any one of the following:

  • information that will assist them in making positive choices in their lives
  • identifying issues that are impacting on them and creating new ways of understanding and managing these issues. This may include developing problem solving, decision making, conflict resolution, restoring harm, de-escalating and self-regulation skills
  • advocacy, mediation or negotiation with family, friends, peers or teachers
  • assistance in exploring and developing their strengths, resilience, compassion, self-belief and confidence to manage the ever presenting challenges of life
  • support for change, loss, grief in their lives
  • referrals to Student Services or  external agencies
  • Early Intervention programs: small group work

FRIENDS:  Inspiring confidence and emotional strength for children

The Friends program gives children the resilience, strength and emotional intelligence needed to cope with any of life’s challenges. Friends helps children understand the different ‘feelings’ all people can have, including how these make us ‘feel’ in our head and body. The program explains to children that all feelings are OK, it is how we act on them that can be positive or negative for us and others. Friends teaches children how to manage all feelings in positive ways through simple actions like breathing, relaxation, exercise and environment.  Friends is a world renowned program. This course is delivered as part of the Health program.


MESH stands for Mental, Emotional, Social and Spiritual Health. By sharing experiences in a trusted, safe and supported group setting children and adults can grow and develop.

The MESH Program offers support (not therapy), empowering people to deal with issues. Through MESH, people learn they are responsible for their own lives and based on their choices, have the power to change. By doing this, people are better able to engage with their education and there is much personal development.

What the MESH Program does

✓ Reduces feelings of isolation by providing a sense of connectedness and realising you are not alone

✓ Helps young people identify and express feelings

✓ Provides validation, support and encouragement

✓ Helps young people form healthy relationships

✓ Reduces feelings of shame

✓ Increases self-esteem and self-awareness

✓ Provides a trusting and safe environment for growth

✓ Teaches how to care for self and others

✓ Helps identify self-defeating behaviours and break through denial

✓ Reduces stress

The team also works closely with Student Services’ psychologists and social workers and a variety of external agencies to ensure every student gets the support and care they need.

Accessing Wellbeing Support
Students are able to self-refer by attending the Wellbeing Centre but they are encouraged to speak to the Year Level Advisor.  Families are able to contact the Wellbeing Co-ordinator to organise a referral for their child.
We welcome enquiries from families about the Wellbeing program, and how we can support your daughters and sons to enjoy reaching their optimum wellbeing and their educative potential.


Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

VCAA provides high quality curriculum, assessment and reporting that enables lifelong learning.

Family Relationships Online

Family Relationships Online provides all families (whether together or separated) with access to information about family relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution. It also allows families to find out about a range of services that can assist them to manage relationship issues, including agreeing on appropriate arrangements for children after parents separate.

Apps and Websites youth issues worry/anxiety program
The Check-In App supporting a friend
The Smiling Mind App mindfulness mental health issues linked with kidshelpline youth, drugs and alcohol advice mental health issues Anti-bullying


Centacare Family Services 5051 0050
Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) 5022 3500
Child and Family Information, Referral and Support Team (ChildFIRST) 1300 625 533
Child Protection 1800 675 598 or 131 278 (AH)
Headspace 03 4010 7100
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800
LifeLine 131 114
Mallee Domestic Violence 24/7 5033 1786
Mallee Family Care 5032 4479
Mallee Sexual Assult 5033 1786
Mental Health Triage and Acute Community Intervention Service 24/7 5022 3500
Mildura District Aboriginal Services (MDAS) 5032 8600
Murray Mallee Community Legal Service 1800 243 002
ParentLine 132 289
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Swan Hill Mental Health Service 5036 1900
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
Anglicare 5036 3200


What is Compass all about?

Compass School Manager is a whole school administration package.
It is utilised by the College to streamline many school operations, from Attendance, Reporting, Communication and Events Management.
When you use Compass it gives you access to our Parent Portal so you can view current information regarding your child and our school. There are many different features that our school has adopted in Compass that enable you to:

  • View your child’s timetable
  • Access the school calendar
  • Monitor your child’s attendance, and enter approval for absences or late to school
  • Download Progress and Semester reports
  • Book Parent – Teacher Interviews
  • Update your family contact details
  • Change your password
  • View and download school documentation and resources
  • View Upcoming Events

Accessing and Logging into Compass Parent Portal

  • Compass is accessible on any web browser or by using mobile Apps.
  • Every family receives a separate login to Compass which is provided by the school.
  • Go to our school website and click on the Link
  • Login – using your username and password provided by the school.
  • When you first login you will be required to change your password and confirm your email address and mobile phone number. These details will be used by the school for SMS and email communication throughout the year.
  • If you have lost your username or password you can recover your details by clicking the ‘Can’t access your account’ link on the login page

Link to compass parent guide

As a parent, how can i get involved?

We welcome parent involvement. The skills, talent and energy brought to the school by parents is a vital and valued resource for the school. Being involved is an enjoyable and rewarding way to enrich your child’s educational experience and build friendships in our friendly and welcoming school community.

There are a variety of ways in which parents can be involved in the school including:

  • Join one of the Parents and Friends Groups
  • Join the School Beautification Committee, Uniform Committee or Fundraising Committees
  • School Council membership or Subcommittee membership
  • Parent helpers in the classroom
  • Working bees (look out for notices in the newsletter)
  • Guest Speakers (speak to your classroom teacher)
  • Library helpers – see Leonie in the library
  • Gardening: there is a community garden that our students are involved in and at times we would like help. We would also welcome anyone with some special skills that might help us in the Ag plot. Please contact Nat Plant at school.

All parents working within the school must obtain a Working with Children Check. Application forms are available online; once your card arrives, you must take it to the school office for registration.

If you would like to be involved please contact our College on 5035 1270


Manangatang P-12 College currently has 5 buses servicing the College as part of the School Bus Program:

  • Annuello
  • Chinkapook
  • Leitpar
  • Moondah
  • Piangil

While parents/guardians are primarily responsible for getting their children to school, the School Bus Program assists families in rural and regional Victoria by transporting students to school at no cost or payment of a fare.  Categories of eligibility determine whether a student travels at no cost or travels upon the payment of a fare.  To be eligible for a seat on a college bus at no cost a student must:

  • Attend their nearest government school
  • Reside 4.8km or more from the school
  • Reside in Victoria

Students wishing to access a seat on a bus can contact the college office for further information.

College Bell Times

2021 Bell Times
Manangatang P-12 College
Welcome Bell 8.45 – 8.50
Year Level Meetings 8.50- 8.55
Session 1 8.55 – 9.55
Session 2 9.55 – 10.55
Recess 10.55 – 11.15
End of recess bell 11.15
Session 3 11.20 – 12.20
Session 4 12.20 – 1.20
Lunch 1.20 – 2.00
End of lunch bell 2.00
Session 5 2.05 – 3.05

Warning bells occur before Year meetings, Lesson 3 and Lesson 5.
Students are dismissed at 1:20pm at the end of each school term.